Then they that gladly received his word were baptized...and they...continued in fellowship...did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart" - Acts 2:41,42,46
You are invited to attend a lunch in the church fellowship room immediately following the Baptism service. Enjoy food that others bring and even bring something yourself for others to enjoy. The church will provide the drinks. Everything else is provided by everyone that attends.
This is a way for us to celebrate those that have recently been baptized and others who have recently joined the church as a member.
Celebrate the Lord's Supper
You're Invited
To worship the Lord through what we call, "The Lord's Supper". (Some call it communion)
As we finish out the day of Celebration, we will gather back in the auditorium for a short time of reflection and preparation as we remember what the Lord has done for us through His death on the cross.