Many times in life we encounter difficulties that seem overwhelming, face decisions and are unsure how to best proceed, and need someone to help guide us in how to move forward according to God’s principles. That’s why the church is here.
If you have a need and would like to meet with Pastor Ron at Loudoun Baptist, simply follow the steps below:
- Call Loudoun Baptist Office at (703) 777-1336 and describe your need for assistance.
- The pastor will call you personally to speak with you about your situation and will schedule a time to meet if necessary.
- Together, you and the pastor will prayerfully assess the best steps for you to take.
- If deemed beneficial, you will be referred to a professional Christian counselor for more in-depth and on-going counseling.
For more information email Pastor Ron at or call 703-783.2928
Pastoral care request form
All pastoral care requests go directly to Pastor Ron and are kept confidential between you and pastor.